So the 28 of us were shooed away to the district of Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan for 6 weeks of Community Medicine posting. Little did we know that it was the posting that would change our lives collectively, in one way or another.
Putting aside the academical aspect, this is the best posting everrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Enjoy tak ingat punya. We had so much free time on our hands, so we filled em up with daily badminton/football/touch rugby games, baling selipar, and the girls even had aerobics at the vacant lecture hall in the evenings!
And the ‘trip’ wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t take the chance to explore some interesting eateries around Kuala Pilah. Our favs included a Chinese restaurant in Kuala Pilah Government Rest House, Kuey Tiaw Kerang Special at Taman Sri Juasseh (tapi abang kedai tu kerek), Kedai Roti Special in Bahau (roti ice cream!), Cendol at Kuala Pilah Bus Station as well as a roadside stall selling Karipap Panas+Air Kelapa Muda on the way to Juasseh. We certainly left Kuala Pilah with a few more pounds gained, no doubt.
Oh and the roadtrips.

Jeram Tengkek is by far the best waterfall I have visited in yonks. This jeram has everything you look for in a waterfall – crystal clear water, moderate current, and challenging slopes. If you happen to pass by Kuala Pilah, do pay a visit to this hidden treasure near Batu Kikir. It is definitely better than the overrated Ulu Bendul, but you’ll encounter piles and piles of cow dung along the way, so beware!
We also had weekend getaways to PD, Melaka, and other historical places like Istana Seri Menanti and Teratak Za’aba during the 6 weeks. I know it sounds very touristy, but trips with the groupmates were never a bore.
If it hadn’t been for our stay in Kuala Pilah, I probably wouldn’t know a lot of random facts about my groupmates. For instance, Gi Ni’s selamba habit of parking his big ass Honda Civic at inappropriate places (like, tengah-tengah jalan), or the fact that Lini is actually a kaki shopping extraordinaire behind her ayu and shy exterior. We shared so many inside jokes that when we got back to KL for the exams, it was harder to communicate with the rest of the class because they just don’t get the jokes HAHAHA.
Love is also in the air for a pair of lovebirds in the class, and hopefully all goes well for them. <3
I know we’re all back to being our usual kiasu selves in OBGYN now, but I LOVE YOU GUYS! Hopefully the faculty won’t separate us next year. :)
Anyhoots, Pilahdelphia rocks!
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